Battery Storage: A Customer Testimonial

Efficient Homes
3 min readJul 31, 2021

During our many visits to our customers we often come across situations where energy can be used in a far more efficient way, and in turn reducing ever rising bills. The potential of battery storage and what it can do for households with Solar PV has made huge strides technologically in the past few years.

It is not just technology that has made storage more attractive, however. Octopus Energy and the rise of super flexible tariffs such as Agile and GO have totally changed the conversation of storage. Not only can you store your excess electricity produced by your solar system, you can also charge them overnight for the cheapest rates and still see a benefit even when the sun is not shining.

This blog is a chance to share with you what one of our happy customers has had to say about his new battery storage system. But before we hear what Mr. Dorling has to say, let’s set the scene!

Mr. Dorling had 16 panels making up a fantastic 4kWh system with a stellar Fronius inverter. He was producing well over his MCS estimated yearly figure and had a massive amount of excess electricity, even in the Winter. The bills were rather high however, and clearly he was not making the most of his power produced. Once our representative Joe assessed the system’s production, as well as their consumption in the household, it was clear to see that the property was more than viable for battery storage.

Mr. Dorling says, “I have always wanted to go down the battery storage route, but have tended to realize it was just a dream, possibly because of the financial implications. However my thoughts now are quite different.”

After our rep explained how battery storage would function, the hardware involved, and the impact it would have on bills as well as the lower cost than he first thought, Mr. Dorling came to an agreement and arranged an installation of a Growatt 12kWh battery storage system.

“A solar panel system without battery storage system is like “A horse without a carriage” in my opinion,” Mr. Dorling says, “I was very impressed with the outstanding quality of the units installed - they were second to none and the batteries were of superb quality too. I am passionate about this since energy is only going to get more expensive and our individual demands on this resource is increasing exponentially.”

To date, the household has stored over 500kWh+ since installation and seen a massively diminished use of electricity. We are extremely proud to see our customers so happy, and going as far as writing us a testimonial.

If you would like to discuss battery storage for your Solar PV system, get in touch with us today at or on 03301 244651!



Efficient Homes

News & thought leadership from renewable energy leader Efficient Homes.